Hybrid Trail Systems

Recipient: Let's Enhance & Develop Society
Amount: 3360
Date: 2005-11-16
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Recreational-Social
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: The purpose of the project is to assess, plan, design, educate, and promote a first class mountain biking/hybrid trail system in the Lakes District. The proponent engaged the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) to work with staff and stakeholders to complete phase one of designing and laying out the trail system. IMBA is highly reputable and recognized among mountain bikers for creating high calibre trail systems. This portion of the project is for the assessment and planning portion of the project.

Dear Board, This is to congratulate the NKDF on reaching a milestone of $10 million in funding for social improvement in the Interior of BC. The NVSA has been fortunate, and grateful, to receive considerable...

~Nechako Valley Sporting Association