Wildfire Protection Unit

Recipient: Fraser Lake Fire Rescue Training Society
Amount: 93975
Date: 2017-12-05
Areas: Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Community Infrastructure
Description: The Fraser Lake Fire Rescue Training Society was approved funding in the amount of $93,975.00 to assist with the purchase of a Wildfire Sprinkler Protection Unit (SPU). The unit will be used to train emergency services personal, industry first responders, and Wildland Firefighters from the entire Northwest and Northeast areas of BC. This SPU will be available for use in the event of a Wildfire in Northern BC.

To the Board Members of the Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society, On behalf of the Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association (BLMBA) it is an honour to have this opportunity to try to articulate adequately what...

~Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association