Washroom Facility

Recipient: Village of Burns Lake
Amount: 15235
Date: 2005-07-27
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: This application was championed by the Soccer Club and managed by Village of Burns Lake. The purpose of the project was to construct a 10' X 20' 8" washroom facility. The property, owned by School District 91, is used by a variety of groups, including soccer, walking, handicap exercise, coach's clinics, search and rescue, bicycle riders, students, and dry-land hockey. Lack of a public washroom was a limiting factor to this property for the Burns Lake community.
Nechako Nordics

To NKDF Board of Directors, I am writing on behalf of the Nechako Nordics to share our Success Story. Our club is the Ski Section of the Nechako Valley Sporting Association in Vanderhoof, BC. We have been active...

~Nechako Nordics