Swath Grazing Demonstrations

Recipient: Nechako Valley Regional Cattlemen Association
Amount: 15920
Date: 2006-03-29
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Planning
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: The purpose of this project is to conduct swath grazing demonstrations for the cattle producers in the Nechako Valley. Swath grazing has become a viable management practice in the Peace River region of BC and throughout Alberta. This practice can be used to extend the grazing season and to reduce feed, labour, and manure handling costs for cattle producers. The swath grazing management practice involves seeding annual cereals in mid-May to early June and swathing the crop in late August to mid-September, when the crop reaches the soft to late dough stage and before killing frosts. The swaths are left in the field for the cattle to graze during the winter. The project provided four field scale demonstration projects in the Vanderhoof/Ft Fraser area, with four ranch operations utilizing swath grazing practices. The sites are spread throughout the Nechako Valley with the goal of using varied location and production factors.
Nechako Nordics

To NKDF Board of Directors, I am writing on behalf of the Nechako Nordics to share our Success Story. Our club is the Ski Section of the Nechako Valley Sporting Association in Vanderhoof, BC. We have been active...

~Nechako Nordics