Mining Equipment Restoration

Recipient: Village of Fraser Lake
Amount: 6955
Date: 2017-09-19
Areas: Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: In 2015 Endako Mines donated an original 1966 Cat 769-35-ton haul truck, and a 1966 P&H S7 15 cubic yard shovel bucket to the Village of Fraser Lake for display and educational purposes. The haul truck and shovel bucket were operational and in use at Endako Mine until the mine went into care and maintenance in 2015. Both items are showing their age; showing rust, faded paint, and a few dents in the body work. This project will allow the Village of Fraser Lake to restore this equipment to their original state, completing sand blasting, minor repairs to the body work, and repainting.

The Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society came to our aid and assisted us with the cost of installing a fire suppression sprinkler system in one of our seniors’ housing complexes in Burns Lake. The funds...

~Lakes District Senior Citizen Housing Association