Grassroots Development 2012-2013

Recipient: Nechako-Kitamaat Development Fund
Amount: 10000
Date: 2012-04-01
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: The purpose of the Grassroots Economic Development Opportunities Fund is to enable NKDF to facilitate project development at the community level while leveraging funding from outside the investment area. The idea behind this concept is to have funds available to assist constituents or applicants to turn their project ideas into living projects. The fund is currently administered on an as-needed basis by the NKDF Manager. The funds are to assist prospective applicants with locating potential funding agencies for projects and broader economic development related projects such as making training available that might not otherwise be offered in the communities in the NKDF investment area.

The Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society came to our aid and assisted us with the cost of installing a fire suppression sprinkler system in one of our seniors’ housing complexes in Burns Lake. The funds...

~Lakes District Senior Citizen Housing Association