Community Organics

Recipient: Nechako Valley Community Services
Amount: 26247
Date: 2008-10-15
Areas: Vanderhoof
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Community Infrastructure
Description: Nechako Valley Community Services Society (NVCSS) has opened a new non-profit coffee house called The Bean on Burrard Coffee House in order to provide employment to persons with developmental delays. The Nechako Valley Community Organics Project is an expansion of the Bean on Burrard project. NVCSS will establish a greenhouse to be operated by persons with developmental delays (with guidance and support by life skills workers). The Nechako Valley Community Organics project is intended to maximize employment and build further capacity for up to ten individuals with disabilities. Funding is provided to assist with construction of the greenhouse and purchase of equipment. This project is funded in partnership by NKDF, NVCSS, Atkins Growers, NuGrowth Technology, NeighbourLink, Northern Outdoor Energy Systems, and HEAL.

The Fraser Lake & Area Menshed Society we feel has been a great success, largely due to the grant for our shop addition from the NKDF. Without the grant we would not have had the courage to proceed with its...

~Fraser Lake & Area Menshed Society