Bike Skills Park - Drainage

Recipient: Rip'N The North Bike Club
Amount: 5593
Date: 2010-10-07
Areas: Vanderhoof
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: Rip'N The North Bike Club is a registered Society formed in July 2008. In May 2009 NKDF provided $50,000 in funding to assist with construction of a bike skills park on a property provided by the District of Vanderhoof. Because the soil was very dry at the time of construction, it was not possible to determine what drainage issue might arise, nor was it realistic at the time to mitigate any drainage problems. With spring runoff this year, the drainage issues and solutions became clearer, and the purpose of this grant in the amount of $5,593 is to assist with upgrading the drainage system for the bike park.

The Fraser Lake & Area Menshed Society we feel has been a great success, largely due to the grant for our shop addition from the NKDF. Without the grant we would not have had the courage to proceed with its...

~Fraser Lake & Area Menshed Society