Art Scan

Recipient: District of Vanderhoof
Amount: 4000
Date: 2005-07-27
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Community Infrastructure
Description: The purpose of this project was to complete an Arts and Cultural assessment, conducted by District of Vanderhoof in partnership with various arts and cultural groups in the Nechako area. Championed by the Spirit of BC Community Committee, the assessment was a necessary component in the overall goal of the 2010 Legacies Now, which is to "create a sustainable legacy that will benefit all British Columbians as a result of hosting the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games." Funding partners included the Arts Now 2010 Legacies Program and the District of Vanderhoof. The Art Scan project resulted in a Directory of cultural resources for the area as well as identifying economic and educational opportunities.
Nechako Nordics

To NKDF Board of Directors, I am writing on behalf of the Nechako Nordics to share our Success Story. Our club is the Ski Section of the Nechako Valley Sporting Association in Vanderhoof, BC. We have been active...

~Nechako Nordics